American Presidential Campaigns

Introduction: Throughout U.S. history, images have played a key role in politics and public opinion. Images shape perception of public figures, often altering people’s approval of their leaders as well as influencing public opinion about legislation and foreign affairs. Images have always had a significant impact on political campaigns. Posters, cartoons, buttons, photographs, and other... Continue Reading →

Race & Gender in Comic Books

Introduction: The transition between the Golden Age and the Silver Age of Comics is marked by intense scrutiny of the comic world. In the Golden Age, the 1940s was the starting point of comics such as Superman, Wonder Woman, Captain America, and many more classic comics. The Golden Age was a time where comics thrived... Continue Reading →

Media & The Cuban Missile Crisis

Introduction: Pictures not only have a large influence in how wars are perceived, but there are times when they even start or end wars.  The Syrian civil war went almost unspoken about since its start in 2011. It wasn’t until a picture captured a young boy who washed up on a Turkish beach in 2015... Continue Reading →

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